Road,  Road Routes

Bow Hill Loop

  • 40 miles
  • 2000′ of elevation
  • Includes Chuckanut, a big climb at Bow Hill, and nice roads

40 for 2000 is a nice combo for a ride. You get a nice distance, some nice climbing and you’ve earned your beers without too much of an ass-kicking. This one is an extended version of the good old Colony Road Loop/Rabbit Ride, like those, it starts on Chuckanut and ends on Old Samish, but instead of coming up out of the Skagit flats on Colony, you get the steeper Bow Hill climb.

The portion after Bow Hill on Prairie Road and various roads named after creeks and lakes, is all intended to avoid Old Highway 99, which is really just a drag. This is much nicer, Prairie is flat and curvy; things get a bit steeper getting up to Cain Lake, but its not bad.

Cain Lake road is the only unpleasant road on this loop, you’re not on it very long though. And, as with any ride that starts on Chuckanut, your best off starting out early on weekends before it gets too busy. While I’ve never had a problem on Chuckanut, it’s no fun to have cars zooming around you the whole time. Midday weekdays can be okay, but avoid “rush hour” (this is a relative term).